Posts Tagged ‘festival’

Down at Marina Bay, Singapore’s modern, sleek (expensive) waterfront by the central business district, a funky little collection of light art is drawing in plenty of visitors; local and overseas. I took my camera down and grabbed a range of shots, but it was these two that caught the eye of the Flickr gallery curators, who added them both to a Flickr-wide gallery and graciously afforded me hundreds upon hundreds of new eyes to gaze over my Wall Art. The gallery can be found at

And the images are here: enjoy! Click on the image to view in my Flickr feed, please star them on Flickr if you like them 🙂

The Red Dot - I Caught A City!

New images added to from the Mid-Autumn Festival in Singapore’s Chinatown. With bright colours strung across roads and shopping areas, apartment blocks and offices, in the form of Chinese Lanterns, some of the best picks of photographs have been added to the gallery. Take a look!

Chinese Lanterns of a multitude of colours festoon the streets of Singapore’s Chinatown.